Tales from Santa’s home is a collection of mostly true stories from around Santa’s home, workshop and stables. I was told these tales by Santa’s two chief helpers; Big Ears and his fellow storyteller, Big Nose.
The tradition in Santa’s house, is that Santa’s gives his helpers a new name on their name day, and most importantly, he gives them a job. Some will help in Santa’s house, while others help in the workshop making toys, or the stables looking after the reindeer. Every young elf waits longingly for their own naming day. One of the reasons is they so look forward to helping Santa and the reindeer, or making toys in the workshop. But another reason is that everyone so looks forward to the party that follows the naming ceremony.
Each Saturday teatime, except when it’s Christmas Eve of course, Santa has tea with all the young elves. The highlight of this tea is Santa’s ice-cream. The ice-cream is a different flavour each week, and each week the fairy queen sprinkles fairy dust over the ice-cream. The fairy dust seems to make the ice-cream magical. Some would say you could see the ripple moving through the raspberries in the raspberry ripple flavour ice-cream. Others said you could see the peaches floating on the cream in the peaches and cream flavour ice-cream. No matter what flavour ice-cream it is, there is always something magical about it.
I particularly like the chocolate chip and strawberry flavour ice-cream. The strawberries seem to run around my bowl with their heads covered in chocolate singing ‘catch me if you can’, in a high-pitched, squeaky voice. Oh and of course the ice-cream tastes so good. But all agree the ice-cream on a naming day tastes so much better, and there is always plenty to go around. There’s even enough for a third bowl.
Do you want to read the rest of this story? Would you like to read more tales from Santa’s home? Then you’ll enjoy my new book, Stories from Santa’s home.